Music, Musicans and friends

A fiddle lesson...


I have always loved music. My earliest memories are sitting in my oldest brother's room listening to AC/DC. Now looking back on this, this may not have been the most child friendly music for a little kid to listen to. Another early memory is of long car rides with on family vacations, listening to Harry Chapin and the Moody Blues. Two different extremes, but both styles I love. I would later discover Billie Holiday and The Fugees. My taste is never one genre or another.

I am lucky enough to have good friends that are musicians. Who have introduced me to new friends who also into music. This allows me some great photo opportunities. Some friends play a little bit of everything mixed in some are more traditional in what they play. Some are performers and know how to get a crowed so into it the whole energy in the room changes. Others are just fun to watch get so into the music its like watching a painter get lost in their art. Some are both and all are amazing to photograph.

Music is so powerful and this is why I enjoy photographing musicians. There is something about capturing the moment someone has lost themselves in their passion or has transformed a whole group of people into best friends as they sing out the lyrics to a song. Music somehow brings us all together.